Monday, March 30, 2009

Not of my heart, but of my soul

It’s hard to live from the soul’s verity. I’m tired of living my life lead by my soul. Seems when I do, it just doesn’t happen the way my soul said. I don’t want to think about my actions anymore. I wanna live . I wanna be high. Don’t wanna analyze. Don’t wanna think about how I feel. I just wanna live and do what feels good. I’m at a point of not wanting to wait. I wanna do it my way and my way doesn’t work. I feel like I’ve been patient long enough and I still can’t have who I want. I don’t want the world I want him.

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tune In

I'm tuning in everyday and things are clear
No static, no reruns, no pause for testing
This is no drill, there is no emergency
This is my life
So I point my antennae north
Cause that's how I get such a clear signal
There may be digital, satellite, and cable
But there's no reception like the north direction
Now my guide plays all the good shows
There's always rave reviews
No horror or mystery though
Just comedy, romance, and acceptable drama

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am A.C.E.

I'm "A"ctively "C"hanging "E"arth....what are you doing?? I am ACE, I fit all suits w/the humility of a ♣, passion from the ♥, ability to see a diamond♦ in the rough, honesty 2 call a spade a ♠ and I'm wild like the Joker. Shuffle and put it back I'm still the same deck with a little wear. I don't change through reproduction, I don't change from year to year. I'm still the same with 4 seasons, during 52 weeks a year.

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Can you be Motivated by Awe?

Looking on the outside in
I can’t help but say I’d ask
Who is that?
I’m in that Who’s Who game
And I’m not even in the book
I don’t have to fill out the application
Cuz folk always seem to wonder about me
And I don’t need for someone to know me
My actions make people want to know about me
Who is that?
She comes off so easy
She’s so naturally sweet
Maybe it’s the country charm
But she has that Black Woman bite
That often effects like a black widow’s poison

But I’m just me
I’m not trying to impress yall at all
I’m just talking to you like we’re old friends
Like how I reach Star status and not even know it
How I’m still living and they call me a legend
How I’m only 25 and I’m wise beyond years
How I get an ovation and I never stood up
I’m no longer fine and okay nor am I just making it
I’m looking back and now it’s I’m amazingly favored
Cuz I was a legend at birth when I could breath
And a cord was wrapped around my neck
I was a legend at 5 when I could for tell the future
And spirits sat around me while I slept then talked to me in my dreams
I was a legend at 7 when I was forced to play piano
And I personified my personal creation of the art
And practice to me was careless folly
I was a legend at 11 when I had a reading addiction
And I read over 400 books in less than a year
I was a legend at 13 when I became published
And wrote and directed my own sitcom,
Got my first short story published,
Did spoken word on a stage in front of hundreds
And started televised public speaking on a daily basis
Fast forward through high school cause I got too much legend shit
That marvels its own page
Even at 21 I was a legend cause it took me 3 years to get an engineering degree
Then I turned around got accepted into law school twice and turned both Deans down and please believe I never paid a dime for an education
I stay looking for free Government money
Trying to keep my forced tax dollars coming back to me
Life ain’t for the fainthearted
Life is for the courageous
So I know courage is somewhere in your spirit
Cause God wouldn’t have put you here for empty space
that’s why we got nitrogen and oxygen
So stop with the pusillanimous actions
And keep your whining to a silence if you not going to change
Go gain a state of humble temerity
You the only one keeping your ass down
And yeah I just turned vulgar and apolitical
But folk these days can’t understand real shit
They only get real shit said in a real shitty way
So here it is
Folk living like they gotta be hand fed
And that shit just keeps us all starving
Go out and hunt your own damn prize
Fuck what I’ve done
Cuz I’ve never had a long focus
Everything I did don’t mean shit if it can’t help save the world
If it can’t make you think and see beyond physical vision,
Then I can’t get down with the movement
My legendary acts are awe situations
Nothing more, nothing less
Just use them to give you some perspective
These are the stories I tell,
Others tell even more about me
Cuz it’s what inspired them
Stories of my feats that move d them from inspiration to operation
I’m only 25 and I am more than phenomenon
I am an ineffable form that genius can’t describe.

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Invest, I'm an Asset.

It may look like I'm jumping head 1st but I have a plan people!!! I'm the most spontaneous adventurer that you'll ever meet. lol

I wrote a piece about practice dummies, then my sisters and babe called me crazy! AND they all sitting on my ledger cuz they gonna be reaping when I'm gone. I try to tell 'em that this is the unreplicated ink of a creative genius, you betta invest now.

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Q & A

Q: Why is it people trudge through muddy, complicated paths surrounding themselves with things they care none?

A: Just to say they did it.

Q: Is that the only motivation?

A: That’s the only thing I can think of. Plus you can never tell what life holds ahead. That very undesired experience could have been preparation for something. You may take away one thing that may change an entire outcome.

Q: For instance?

A: Going to school. I hate school. And I cannot say I ever immensely enjoyed all the topics that I forced myself through.

Q: So why go?

A: Mainly because it was free. Secondly, it was an easy way to get paid without me having to be creative from the start of finishing high school. And lastly, going to school keeps you alert on how to bullshit your way effectively through topics you care nothing about.

Q: Why would you need to bullshit your way through those topics?

A: Those who are quick in thought, quicken the ease of their life.

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.