Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What's your Goal Priority?

After I saw my uncle doing a wild jig that resulted in him throwing spirit fingers in the air over his head while jerking his head to and forth and alternatively lifting his legs similar to a leg raise exercise, I am positively without a shadow of a doubt know he called this dancing because he was all smiles and working up a tremendous sweat. Because of that dance, I cannot listen to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” without doubling over and laughing until tears come because after 2 months the image of my uncle is still so clear in my head. But now, oh now, I have to steal a line that is no laughing matter…”if you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it.” Are you really gonna let it get that far that the past tense on this line becomes fruition? I gotta tell ya, definitions can help clear up a great deal of confusion. Patience is a virtue, BUT if you snooze…you can actually lose.

You see I totally understand working towards goals…personal, life, career, etc. But if you want to include someone else in any phase of any of these goals then at some point it is important to let that someone know the plan and the layout of goal priority. It’s only fair that these things get discussed. This way at least the two of you can align goal priority and it is not just one sided.

Let’s talk about GOAL PRIORITY because I believe in lasting love.

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by
ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"God planted the seed, now I'm seeing trees outside my window"

Monday, April 20, 2009

In Real Time

Poetically I write in undertones
Because I think everyone should be thought provoked
Casually I verbalize in mystic rhyme or silence
Because I don’t want folk knowing that much about me
In business, I speak directly
Because it is necessary for you to understand my vision
So let it be known that you get more out of me
Through writing then vocal verbalization
Especially when I’m on center stage
The less I say verbally, the less I can be held accountable for
All that I say on paper, I will support and defend in a court
And if you are ever in question…
Ask the privy few from my family and friends
I don’t have a poker face
It is all in real time

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by
ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Behind the Wheel

Take the driver's seat

You don't need to ride shotgun anymore

Make you experience life firsthand
Often it is when you break acceptance standards and find yourself as the exception
That you find life in yourself that makes living life come alive
Our culture has widened the gray area between right and wrong
To call it politics but I like to call variance of cultural acceptance
It all makes him appear weird and wired
Made her reticent about her thoughts because of her profound perspective
Forget the area and keep the bold line separating
Right and wrong translating it to good and evil
Eyesight or not; you can see that the concept is universal
We are good with being the exception
Because we flew by your acceptance standards
And it saved us
Because our actions are fueled from within our soul

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Yes Jah Oui Si Ya!

yes jah oui si ya!
Everywhere I am You are
All that I am is because of You
All that I have is from You
All that I give comes from that which You have given to me
Yes, I am excited to shout

yes jah oui si ya!
No matter the culture, the language, or people
You are always there
Even when I am knowingly wrong
And don’t deserve favor
You are there still blessing me

yes jah oui si ya!
Then I learn more
Then I do more
Then I see more
My actions become contagious
It’s all positive influence

So we all can say
yes jah oui si ya!
Yes Jah, we see You


Check out "yes" translation at

Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Waking up

You ever wake up to the sound of the wind blowing away the dew of the grass? Ever just sit up in bed, gaze out the window just looking at the sweet milky blue scene painted over the houses as the earth turns toward the sun?

It’s one of the most relaxing calms that spare emotions and nothingness matters except the trancelike state you enter as your mind drifts and the blankets and pillows on the bed are the most comfy.

And if you lay there for just a few minutes while the morning breeze graces through the room from the open window, instead of dreading the tasks of the day just relax and be thankful. You had the opportunity to open your eyes and see the light of the day, to feel the warmth of blankets and a gentle breeze, to hear the wind sweep the Earth and rustle nature, to smell the sweet crispness of morning air, and the anticipation to taste peppermint toothpaste and mouthwash. :-)

Sometimes, it is enough to just wake up.

Because it affirms there is purpose in your life.

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

In the meantime...

I'm in the "meantime" ...she told me that's a good place to be...she told me to do what all I want to do I done with all my playing around?.....have I traveled enough?....have I cared less for being careful?.....have I explored all the dungeons and broken the chains yet?....guess. I should be working on my table portions...I gotta bring something there....need more than my ovaries and vagina....need more than my two degrees of separation sitting like napkins....gotta bring some offering to set on my plate....gotta set up my shit too....evenly yolked....not awkwardly skewed.....time to rise to the match....

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.