Monday, January 26, 2009


Never felt a love like this
A love so powerful
That no matter how sexy
The others
All I want is him
It's his touch
That makes my skin tingle
It's his voice
That makes me smile
It's the sight of his arrival
That brings joy to my eyes
It's only him
That quickens my breathing
To make my temperature rise,
Lips long for his kiss,
And my panties moist
I anticipate sleep
Just to dream of him
When he's not near

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Essence of my Birth Name

No matter how far I go
Away from the eye
Where peace and calmness rest
Out to where calamity occurs
My name pulls me back
It’s stronghold; that’ll never change
For its meaning is strong
Has influence on my being
Brings me back when I’m amongst evil
And a voice speaks to me
Says, “What is your name”
For it’s not just a name for me
It’s a blessing on my life
It brings me back from losing
It brings me back from evil
It brings me back from failure
It brings me back from depression
All I have to do is remember my name
I know from Psalm 139 that God
Gave the name to those
Who spoke the name Angela Renee
Let it be known...she's an angel reborn from Heaven

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


If that's what ya feeling, then let's do it. You set the stage babe....I'm just reading the script you wrote; so either call for a rewrite or deal with the ish....yes u sugar...I'm talking to you. You ain't have to tell me you wanted a fuckship, your actions told it mister. How you gone and wanna be all lovey-dovey in the bedroom, in the kitchen, on the couch, in the shower basically in our houses. We gets out in separate cars, at the same event, you yield pass me with a few charming words and stop at all the other lights long enough to check your profile in the mirror and read the headlines. Now you make a u-turn to come back and chill on my stoop!? Naw see you don't know me, I'll leave you out there and leave the screen door locked so you can see me inside chillin all good...all unannoyed. Cause that's what they're for, to keep the flies out. Haha. You thought you was getting the nookie, but I was getting the dickie. Now you wanna have all these extra rehearsals on how I should act, naw I don't need the extra attention. I'm not your leading lady, that was always your intention. I'm an understudy who just stole the show. Where my flowers 'cause I'm a hard act to follow. Next time start with a relation friend and you won't get fucked my friend. Don't be mad that I beat you at your skill, I'm just reading the script.

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where is the Inspiration in the World?

When’s last you sat to inspire yourself?
Give yourself free to do your desire
To tackle the drudgery of old
For refreshing the soul to give form to unrehearsed acts
Surprise yourself with a whammy!
Happiness is closer than you think
…a form that is not 2.61 by 6.14 weighing less than a gram
Go on and clean the crevices of your brain
You’ll see you are indeed a pundit
No matter what the voices said
Throw away those false idols
Remodel your goals void of human heroes
Forget the “I wanna be like ____”
Replace it as “I wanna be me”
I am my own hero
I am my own inspiration
I am my own motivator
I am me
Everyone else is just MY cheerleader
And there is no ONE who sets my stage
For I rise to greatness and excel in the custom of my life
A script only shared by two
No standing ovation required by them – only Him


Response by Andreaetta Whaley

Hey I stand
With my eyes raised nose in the air
Giving thanks to my Father up above
To say thanks to HE who recognizes me from above
That's the only applause
Standing Ovation
I need
Forget you haters
Always saying
I'm too conceited
Too arrogant
Take a step back
Let me introduce myself
Just a high level of confidence
I am me, being who "I wanna be"
You're the one with the pipe dream
Saying you wanna be like...
Hell, you don't need someone else to decide
Who you want to be
Just be who you need to be
Like yourself
Be like YOU
And stop waiting for recognition and the acceptance of others
You are who you are
And no other like you
So say and believe that you wanna be you and not he or she

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Sleeping Less...

It’s crazy how now I can sleep less and still wake up early. I used to sleep more because I wanted to dream. But now I sit awake because there is so much for me to write. Few will know, but my dreams make my life exciting. People think my multiple international and state side trips made my life exciting. But those trips get drowned out by the monotonous tone of flight attendants and airport announcements and those trips became engulfed with airplane rides on seats so close I can smell what my seat mate had for lunch, engulfed with car road trips listening to radio stations trying to put their twist on the waves that ended showing no creative style to music of our years only music of our hours….ugh! Now my dreams become reality because the ink is making them come alive…now it’s really exciting!

“Well...I am having too much fun with this...this should be a sin!”

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Words borrowed from Aesop, “To do the right thing at the right season is a great art.”

And I ask, “Are you an artist, or merely just a forge.”

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


So I know you saw the inauguration proceedings, but did you pay attention to the firing of the cannons? Well, I did. I immediately thought of Lord Tennyson Alfred’s words, “Cannon to the right of them / Cannon to the left of them / Cannon in front of them”…yes I accept my randomness even in time of historical moments. It makes one reflective to the facts that there is literally a war raging throughout our world, figuratively this is a man who will carry the hopes of a people (not just black people, but a people who believe beyond color), and factually the clashing of war that strikes out amongst the minds (thoughts) of INdividuals who pursue INdependent thoughts for INdependent desire.

In a world of chaos:
Who takes the lead for peace
when conflicting desires are ever present?
Who takes the lead for freedom
when oppression is cornerstone for hatred?
Who takes the lead for peace
when turmoil is an accepted order?
Who takes the lead for freedom
when creativity for curiosity is scorned?
Free will brings choice
Choice births disagreement
Give me choice; I choose both.
You can’t see Heaven without knowing Hell
God’s gifts of mercy, faith, hope, grace…
Gives us comfort in living life
Freedom and peace are basics for the basis
of our nation’s existence
Yet difference is Our closest neighbor
So we pray for our new leader
Who is now leading the battle for us
May God give you peace to keep our freedom
Give you tranquility amongst firing cannons
that stand mounted in their roots
And grant you clarity in the midst of
exploding cannon balls as they hit the ground at your feet
Let Him keep you shielded through the continuous fire

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Monday, January 19, 2009


spin this around your brain for a few:

"If there was no bulb and I had only moon, I'd have no choice but to fall asleep because there is only just a glow and darkness brings a calming comfort with the desire to rest."

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Love Exposed

I've been writing our love story for a life time
I've been living it alone for 4 now
9 weighs carries wait
In this case it's years and it's over
Because now you know the whole story
So as I flip through the volumes of my words
And click through the chapters of our texts
I can't help but smile
'Cause our love's exposed
As clear as the dawn
You said it's dark and you been going through
Check it now, ours is as big as the sun
Everything we been through separately
Brings us to this moment
'Cause preparation is key
And I've never seen clearer
Now that our love's exposed
We can sing that crazy song
With lyrics too true
I love you; you love me
Yeah it's that time
Time for that final speech
"I'd like to thank...."
All those gents who lost me
'Cause that is when I found me
I no longer have to wish and dream
All I gotta do is continue to pray
Pray our tomorrow is better than our today
Pray our today is better than our yesterday
'Cause our love's exposed

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

So...My President is about to be Black

As I woke this morning with the sun beating on my face...three things came to mind that are special on today.

1) Today is MLK day and I don't have to work...
Of course I could just sit around and do nothing, but I have to be productive because everyday I must wake up with a purpose. It took me back to that song the King Chorus sung called "King Holiday". You know what I'm talking's one of those "true story songs" that you can actually jam too and surprisingly that I have on my iPod and on my Zune. So since it's cold (yes, I'm officially a Floridian) and I am not about standing in the cold to watch a parade... I instead decided to truly mark this day as the beginning of giving my writing and thoughts to the world. Of course, I've been giving my poetry to the world for years...but now it's easily accessible on the web. But I must think can my writing have even the smallest influence on the world as Dr. King had on a nation? Hell, I don't want my own national day, but I have always wanted my own day in my home town. So keeping to the dream, I have no choice but to add to it and keep it moving for generations to come. The dream now is continuing the dream...dang waking up after 8 AM is a beautiful thing. Come with me!

2) Today is the eve for President-Elect Obama to be inaugurated...
It's not been a topic I've really spoken about, but yes on November 4, 2008 was the first time in my quarter century that I could truly identify with "I'm proud to be an American". And I’m about to work for "the Man" and "the Man" looks like me. A man who is labeled a category not chosen by our own yet publicly identified to a nation visually and politically as an "African-American" will be President of the U.S. of A. Yes it is a monumental occasion, but folks as happy as you are about this you must know that he is not the first. He is simply openly the first that will be written into our history books as "the first". Which brings me to, "YES!! I am super happy" to have a man who considers himself an African American to be my President. But it also raises the question...what would the "others" think if the history books read that Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge were Black Presidents....please remember if there is even a drop of black blood in your gene pool then yes by America's standards you are black (hmmm...think about that drop of "colored blood"). So wait...oh yes, I have more on this but of course let's move to my next topic while I'm listening to my jam "My President by Young Jeezy...the realest words he never wrote"

3) How Am I going to celebrate this MLK weekend?
I'm going to follow the words of the song...I'm going to take this day to love somebody, not because of the song but because I am loved and my nature is to love.

King Holiday - Various Artists
my favorite verses)
Once a year we celebrate
Washington and Lincoln on their birth dates
And now a third name is added to the list
A man of peace, (Drum Major for Justice)
Now, now, now every January on the third Monday
We pay homage to the man who paved the way
For freedom, justice and equality
To make the world a better place for you and me
It's a holiday, it's a gathering
For the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King


Let the hero shine
Every day in your life
Yours and mine
Everybody shine, whoa...
Let it shine, let it shine, woo...whoa...oh...

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.