Saturday, May 9, 2009

I AM only I AM

How would you describe evidence of things that just go right and work?

The solitude and best answer would simply be “success”.

That is what everybody keeps saying my life is. But I don’t see it that way at all. The only thing I do is just live. I know what I don’t want to do, I know what I don’t want to have, I know where I don’t want to be, and I know what I don’t believe in. I have no single thing I want to do, I have a massive collection of things that I want to do and I have no clue about exactly where I am going. I know that I want to do it all and I know who I am.
  • I am confident when I know the subject at hand and self-conscious when I am in an environment I never knew, but I am confident in knowing how to engage myself in learning new things.

  • I am adventurous in trying all types of activities in a variety of scenarios and I am afraid I’ll embarrass myself by failing horribly making people laugh and stare at me, but I push myself to do it anyway so I’ll know what it feels like to try something new.
  • I am smart because I know how to apply myself and found the avenues to cultivate my brain, but I don’t know a lot about any one thing and I don’t consider myself intelligent only creative.
  • I am slightly arrogant which makes my walk look stank and my persona seem unapproachable when I don’t smile but I’m that way because I’m afraid if I don’t someone will hurt me emotionally or invade my space without an open invitation.
  • I am attractive with a jaunty flair that pulls visual attention, but I hate when people gawk because it makes me self-conscious and it makes me nervous that something may be wrong with my outfit.
  • I am a gadabout who is addicted to traveling for cultural exploration and simply getting away from home but I do it more because there is no one at my home and when I’m not relaxing or mind searching I don’t want to be there.
  • I am happy with every experience and memory because I don't regret anything that has ever happened to me good or bad, but I do cry when I get overwhelmed with emotions of confusion, loneliness, and sadness; it never solves anything but it makes me feel better.
  • I am nice because I believe in karma and I want people to be nice to me, but I am not always in the mood to talk to everybody.
  • I am talented in a variety of areas and can have my choice in doing any number of careers, but I don't love any of my talents.
  • I am gifted in writing and designing but I give neither one exclusivity because I am afraid of what might not happen.
  • I am loving in all types of relationships because I value people, but the lasting love God has buried in my soul longs for my mate.
  • I am patient, after not being able to rush anything, it has made me start taking my time, but I fear time will not tick in my favor.
  • I am spiritual in knowing there is an omnipresent Creator and the Bible serves as a great guide for life, but I am not religious.
  • I am free in spirit, in soul, in life, in nature and in me which people term "deep" but I see it as not having tunnel vision and looking beyond what I can only touch.

I am only looking at who I am; I am not looking at the exceptions to what I am. I always try to jump into me. I am special; I am human; and I am only I am.

Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by
ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


ajwhaley said...

Exceptional piece of writing as always! Keep it up, because I am sure you are touching someone without knowing it.

Love ya,
Big Sis

Lisa @ Serah's said...

Girl, you sound just like me! Having lots of things you want to do and not sure where you're going. I'm trying to just enjoy the journey. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I had no idea you were writing! Keep up the amazing work!

A.C.E. Jaunty™ said...

No problem! I had no clue you made delicious-looking soaps. Too cool! Thank you much, it means a lot!