Monday, February 23, 2009

My Blackberry

Years from now I’m sure there will be something better than a Blackberry cell phone. But right now, Blackberry is where it is at. I can not sit and tell you what makes this phone so much better than my past phones…I’ve had Samsung, Sanyo, LG, Treo, and Motorola…but they do not compare to my Blackberry. It could be the $300 price tag that I paid for this phone off of eBay that requires me to use it every waking moment to get my money’s worth. Even when I wake in the middle of the night from sleep; normal people check the time…but not me, I check my blackberry for missed text messages, emails, or scroll through my media files stored on the 2 GB micro SD card in my blackberry. “Why?” you ask. My reply is the same, “why?” I think it would be safe to say that my phone stores memories and gives new memories that make me look back and smile at life. Of course, could other phones provide me with GPS, pictures, text, email, games, international usage, internet, and certainly placing a call…of course!!! But the Blackberry is just sweet and the blacker the berry; the sweeter the juice.


Creative Commons License
Paradigm of Parodies: Paradise, Peril, and Peace by ACE Jaunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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